We have a range of support programs to assist you in both work and study.
Study Support
Are you looking at starting a course or would you like some support with your study? Then contact the GeCo team to find out how we can support you. With computers classes, literacy support and access to online courses we can help you.
We also offer a range of workshops which can be taken for fun, or to support your vocational objectves! Call in for a chat about how working with us in the workshop, Scrubby Hill Farm or even the GeCo Kitchen could help you flesh out some of the skills on your resume.

Computer Classes
GeCo runs regular Digital Literacy classes to help anyone needing some confidence with their computer skills. Either in person, or online, we use a variety of devices – from computers through to iPads and mobile phones, to navigate the online world.
Subjects include Online Safety, MyGov, using Google Docs and Spreadsheets, Internet Shopping, Estate Planning and Internet Shopping – and much much more!
This photo shows participants learning how to use their cameras and video calling on GeCo-provided iPads.
It doesn’t matter what skill level you start at, we’re here to help you navigate the tricky online world.
Work Ready
Sometimes two heads are better than one when you are trying to get work ready. Lucy and the rest of the team at GeCo are here to help with all aspects from:
- Resumes
- Interview Skills
- Selection Criteria
- Cover Letters
- Career Coaching
- Job Options
- Application support and;
- Money Management
Get in touch and have a chat about how we can support you.
“I got help from Lucy to update my resume. We wrote a few different resumes which highlighted my skills and work experience. I submitted this resume to Huon Valley Works. Within a couple of days, I was contacted by Huon Valley Works to apply for a job” Work Ready participant

GeCo Work & Study Skills
Work Ready Case Study
“I came in to GeCo to see Huon Valley Works staff about job opportunities. They weren’t sure what would suit me but I then got help from Lucy to update my resume.
We wrote a few different resumes which highlighted my skills and work experience. I submitted this resume to Huon Valley Works. Within a couple of days, I was contacted by Huon Valley Works to apply for a job as the ‘Get Picking’ supervisor.
I had an interview, got the job, and have been working as supervisor of the project since late 2018.
Lucy was informative about what format to use for resumes, and because of my varied work history, it needed some major streamlining. We talked in depth about the kinds of work I am good at and my work history and it helped strengthen my approach to looking for work.”
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