Management Committee
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Welcome to Geeveston Community Centre
Management Committee

The work of Geeveston Community Centre Incorporated (GCCI) is overseen by a management committee meeting on a monthly basis to provide governance and oversight for centre operations.
The committee is comprised of local people with a passion for community development and who want to see the Huon Valley flourish.
Governance training is provided for those interested in joining who would like to upskill and learn how a not-for-profit runs.
Get in touch if you want to become a member of the GCCI management committee or download and complete the application form.

Geeveston Community Centre Inc acknowledge the Tasmania Aboriginal Community as the continuing custodians of lutruwita. We live and work on Melukerdee country. lutruwita milaythina pakana – Tasmania is Aboriginal Land.
GeCo receives funding from the Department of Premier and Cabinet, other government departments and philanthropic groups.
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