Huon Domestic Violence Service
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The Huon Domestic Violence Service supports anyone in the Huon Valley impacted by family violence which includes women, men, children and young people. The service operates from the premise that ALL relationships should be free from abuse and violence regardless of gender, language, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, religion, health, disability, socio-economic background or geographic location.
The Huon Domestic Violence Service is a specialist service underpinned by a set of good practice principles supported by international research and evidence-based practice.
“the calming effect of having a qualified and skilled worker with real knowledge of this area made an immense difference to my recovery.” Victim survivor
Specialist family violence workers understand the escalating risks of family violence and how to plan for the safety of victim survivors. The Huon Domestic Violence Service has a unique understanding of the services many people, including children that experience family violence, require particularly in rural communities.
The Huon Domestic Violence Service is a dedicated, specialist family violence service, that provides front line support for people in the Huon Valley living in dangerous and abusive family situations – the key focus is safety. This service provides a safe space that allows people to access to safety and support for the physical, sexual, emotional, financial and psychological violence they endure at the hands of their partners.
When community members experiencing family violence contact specialist services they require support, information and advocacy to help them navigate the complex systems they must go through to re-establish a life free from violence.
The Huon Domestic Violence Service places the needs of people experiencing family violence at the centre of their practice.
To refer or for assistance responding to family violence disclosure please don’t hesitate to contact the Huon Domestic Violence Service on 6264 2222. If it is an emergency contact 000 or for afterhours support please call the Family Violence Counselling and Support Service on 1800 608 122.
For further information, support or referral please don’t hesitate to contact me on 6264 2222 or email

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